"لله ملك السموات والأرض ، واستقرض منك حبة فبخلت بها ، وخلق سبعة أبحر وأحب منك دمعةً فقحطت عينك بها
To Allaah belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, yet He asks a loan from you (i.e. giving charity) but you are stingy. He created the seven seas, but He loved a tear from you (out of fear of Him) but your eyes were tearless."
To Allaah belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, yet He asks a loan from you (i.e. giving charity) but you are stingy. He created the seven seas, but He loved a tear from you (out of fear of Him) but your eyes were tearless."
– Ibn al-Qayyim [al-Fawa’id/53] (via ibnulqayyim)
(via forthesakeofallah)
Aisha bint Abi Bakr (radiAllahu 'anha): A'ishah (رضي الله عنها) — The Mother of the Believers
The One Exonerated From Above the HeavensShe was one one of the daughters of the leader, the great truthful one, the vicegerent of Allah’s Messenger Abū Bakr ‘Abdullah bin Abi Quhāfah and she was from the Quraish tribe. The Mother of the Believers, wife of the Prophet, the most knowledgeable…

Let’s Memorise The Quran Ayah by Ayah (Day 5) - DaarQuran
(via pearlsofislam)
"A person may use his religious knowledge for wordily gains. He may add his personal commentaries regarding Allaah’s revelations to gain status in this world, and he may use Allaah’s favor upon him to take advantage of His creation. He alleges to hold fast to the path of the righteous ones, although his superfluousness shows that he has no insight. Whenever he faces a question he does not recognize its answer, doubt and suspicion quickly overtake him. He indulges in mundane pleasures, he is easily driven by hoarding money, and he is not a caller to tawheed. The closest similitude to such character is a freely grazing cattle. Like that, knowledge dies away when its carries dies."
– Ali ibn Abi Talib (radiAllaahu anhu) {Hilyat-ul Awliya] (via aliibnabitalib)
(via pearlsofislam)
The Arabiya & The Hijab: A famous psychologist once asked a very simple question. She raised a...
A famous psychologist once asked a very simple question. She raised a glass of water and asked how heavy the water was? Differences answers came back to her. She smiled :) She said the weight of the glass is not important. What is important is how long I hold it for. If I hold it for 1 minute it’s not a problem. For 1 hour? My arm will ache. For one whole day? The arm will feel numb and weak. But in each instant the weight of the glass does not change. Our stresses and worries in life are EXACTLY like this. Think about them for a moment and nothing happens. Keep thinking about them and it hurts. Become obsessed about them and you’ll be incapable of doing anything. So have faith in Allah because if He bought you to it, He will bring you through it .
(Source: facebook.com, via ashestoember)

Young students at Kinnaird College in Lahore, Pakistan show solidarity for their fellow Pakistani Shia citizens and for the Hazara community in Quetta.
(via a-pakistaniaffair)
Narrated Anas (radhiAllahu ‘anhu): The Prophet (ﷺ) used to say,
“O Allah! Our Lord! Give us in this world that, which is good and in the Hereafter that which is good and save us from the torment of the Fire.” (2.201)
– [Sahih Bukhari Vol. 6, no. 47] (via pearlsofislam)
In šāʾ Allāh is said when speaking about plans and events expected to occur in the future. The phrase also acknowledges submission to God, with the speaker putting him or herself into God’s hands. Muslims believe that everything is maktub [lit.: written] and so whatever it is one wishes to do, will only occur if it is within God’s plan.](http://24.media.tumblr.com/49012bfa05b43d35851d9124f6deb13e/tumblr_meob46ysaP1r8odzwo1_500.jpg)
In šāʾ Allāh is said when speaking about plans and events expected to occur in the future. The phrase also acknowledges submission to God, with the speaker putting him or herself into God’s hands. Muslims believe that everything is maktub [lit.: written] and so whatever it is one wishes to do, will only occur if it is within God’s plan.
(via thebeautyofislam)
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